Wednesday 19 May 2010

Save our Sleep!

STTN-it's what every new Mommy dreams of, right? It's what gets you through those early days of middle of the night feeds, one day, one glorious day they will sleep through the night.

Well it doesn't just happen that easy for everyone. We've been lucky so far that Blondie Boy started sleeping through the night as soon as we moved him into his own room. I know a lot of people though that aren't so lucky. If you aren't so lucky there are lots of books to turn to for advice.

I recently received a copy of "Save our Sleep" by Tizzie Hall. At first I thought, there wouldn't be much for us, but the book is way more than just sleep schedules. There is lots of information on weaning, including recipes and schedules as well.

I particularly found the information on travelling with a baby helpful. We're about to take a long trip and there is lots of helpful information on travelling, as well as helping the baby adjust when in a new timezone.

Are there any books that you've found particularly helpful for parenting advice? Do you have any top tips of your own?

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